
The lights of Christmas - Rev. Catherine Nance

Christmas Eve - Rev. Sarah Slack

Gifts of Faith, HOPE and Love - Janet Harville

Prayer of Hope - Chris Lee

Hope in a Familiar Hymn

The Real Meaning of Christmas - Harriet Lynn Nowlin

Believing in HOPE - Clayton Hensley

A Valuable Hope for all - Rev. Parker Benson

HOPE for Recovery - Sandy Hodson (for Recovery at Maryville)

Symbols of Hope at Christmas - Ann Talent

The REAL hope of the world - Gene & Frances Lovell

How the music of Christmas brings HOPE - Susan Daves

A Night Filled with Hope - Terry Wilson

Where my HOPE is built - Janet Harville

Hope can be Blue - Brenda Clark

Christmas is Hope - Ann Tallent

Hope is ... - by Amelia Geis-Scott

Hope that will not fail - Nathan Irwin

Hope at Midwinter - Larry Campbell

Hope this Christmas - Chris Lee

Providing HOPE to Latvia - Ron & Carol Werker