Hope is ... - by Amelia Geis-Scott

Hope is the promise that each new day will be better than the one before;
Hope nourishes our souls, salves our wounds, and heals our hearts.
Hope tells us that we are important to ourselves our family and to others;
While lifting our spirits,  Hope softens the cares that look to overwhelm us

Hope is a bird with outstretched wings, soaring into the heavens,
And, on reaching in its zenith, leaves us closer to God.
Hope binds us to each other, loosens the restraints caused by fear,
And opens us to a new world filled with unlimited possibilities.

Hope begins each new day refreshed by the exuberance of the human spirit;
It assures us that God places a rainbow behind the clouds of despair.
Hope nourishes our hearts, uplifts our souls, and lights the paths we walk;
Hope is eternal, a gift from God, which tells us we are loved and precious to Him

  Amelia Geis-Scott
