Providing HOPE to Latvia - Ron & Carol Werker

      To us, Hope means there will always be a tomorrow, no matter what your yesterdays have been. We have this Hope because of God's grace, love, and promise through a baby sent to earth, who walked among us and still does!
          We'd like to have you get to know your sister church in Kuldiga, Latvia a little better. They have such Hope for their future.
           They're a small congregation, but whenever you're among them, you are welcomed with open arms, and many flowers.  You're accepted immediately as family with the love of God abounding! Each Sunday they hold up in prayer their brothers and sisters in Christ at 1st UMC Maryville and in October they held a special Sunday event.  They established a United States Table with information about our church and during the Fellowship Time they even enjoyed a traditional American Apple Pie!
          We keep in touch with our sister church and its members through e-mails and of course, through mission trips.  It is our Hope that one day, with our help, they will become financially independent.
          Some of their Hopes include finding a full time Pastor to lead their congregation.  Kuldiga Church, through the generous giving from Kuldiga Partnership (which includes 1st UMC Maryville), was recently able to purchase an apartment to provide housing for a full time Pastor. 
          The winters are very cold, damp and windy in Latvia, and the current heating system at Kuldiga Church isn't adequate.  Would you come to 1st UMC Maryville if you sat in worship and could see your breath?  That's what this faithful family of believers has been doing for several years now, so they have Hope of installing a new heating system in the future.
          We think of Kuldiga Church as one of "our missions", but there are members of Kuldiga Church who have been called to also "go and serve others".  Raele is one such young adult from Kuldiga Church who talked to us this past summer.  She shared with us her Hope and we saw her passion of going to Africa to pass on God's love.  At this time she is attending training in Norway and will be sent to Africa in the coming months to fulfill her Hope.
          Please keep in prayer your brothers and sisters in Christ at your sister church in Kuldiga, Latvia.

Ron & Carol Werker
