O Holy One,
How we praise YOU for this new season where kindness and joy come forth from our “stony hearts!” We spend a year dwelling on our own self-interests and suddenly it’s Advent, a time to reflect on the possibilities of what life will be with Your values operating fully in the world, and we are awed. Thank you, God, for this blessing.
Forgive us for being so slow to recognize the HOPE that you have placed within us, Your children. What great gifts are FAITH,HOPE, and LOVE, a trinity of goodness that flows from Your being, and they are ours to claim and use.
You sent Jesus into a world of poverty, dissension, unrest, war, so like ours today, and He taught that You have a plan to restore all things to a Just Kingdom. Christ’s life was lived to bring glory to Your name and He told us to go and to do that, too.
We pray that Your Holy Spirit will guide us to places where people will see that we LOVE them unconditionally because
You made them, and then FAITH will grow so that they can go and love others, too. Thank You, Gracious Father, in Jesus Name. AMEN!
This prayer of HOPE was written by Janet Harville and originally published in the Nov. 19th edition of The Church Bell.
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