The REAL hope of the world - Gene & Frances Lovell

“This very day in King David’s hometown a Savior was born for you.  He is Christ the Lord.  12) You will know who he is because you will find him dressed in baby clothes and 
lying on a bed of hay.” 
Matthew 2: 11-12 (Contemporary English Version)

It was late in the day on Christmas Eve, a time of great expectancy and anticipation in our church. Gene had already gone to the church to make final preparations and to assure that everything was as perfect as possible for the Christmas Eve worship and communion service. Frances was still at the parsonage having been alerted by a friend that a last minute visitor would come by. The doorbell rang and Frances made her way to the door, relieved that her unknown visitor had come by with enough time left for her to still get to the church in time for the service. She opened the door to greet her visitor but there was no one there. Then she looked down and saw a precious little baby on the doorstep.

It took a few moments for her to realize that the baby was her grandson, come all the way from Wisconsin to surprise her a day earlier than expected. The parents quickly materialized from behind a shrub and all hurried joyfully to the church to celebrate the birth of another very special baby who was the real hope of the world! In just a few days we can all celebrate that same hope at our church! It just can’t get any better than that!
                                                       Gene & Frances Lovell
