But the angel said to them,
"Do not be afraid. I bring good news that will cause great joy for all the people.
Luke 2:10 (NIV)

A Christmas tree: Just as the evergreen remains green and unchanging, so too is God's constant abiding love, forgiveness, and promise of salvation.
The heavenly angel: Shepherds led lonely lives. Most of their time was spent herding their flocks from one pasture to another. This kept them isolated from people and learning of any news for months at a time. Not much excitement occurred in the mundane life of a shepherd except for one special night. The angel of the Lord appeared bringing not only excitement -- but GREAT news about the Savior's birth and where to find Him. So the lowly shepherds were the first to hear of Jesus's birth, NOT the kings or high priests as one might expect. This had to have filled the shepherd's heart with great joy and hope.
The brightest star: Without the brightest star to guide them, the wise men would have little hope in finding baby Jesus. They came in order to worship Him, who was the prophesied Messiah.
Mary and Joseph: This couple's engagement, with Mary's announcement of being with child, could have ended with this announcement. Think of the shame and humiliation that their families must have felt when learning of this news. However, Mary and Joseph believed and trusted in God's words to them. Because of their faith, hope for their life as a family was a surety. Faith transforms hopes into realities.
Baby Jesus: Our redeemer. His promise of salvation for those who believe in Him, and who are repentant of their sins.
Prayer: Our heavenly Father, help us remember how Mary trusted in your divine plan and pondered all the things she saw and heard about her new baby son. May we too, ponder these symbols of hope in our hearts, strengthen our faith, and live our lives in a way that is pleasing to you. Amen.
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