Prayer of Hope - Chris Lee

O Lord, there are parts of this year
that have been difficult; yet, I cannot
ignore there has also been beauty.
My God, there have been moments
when I’ve tried to walk far from You;
yet, You have kept up and walked
beside me throughout.

Through the good and the bad,
there is one thing of which I’m most
certain: that I continue to need a
savior. For this I am most grateful, I
most anticipate, and I have the most
HOPE in this season— for I trust that
a baby comes who is the answer to

In this holy waiting period, may I
be patient in HOPE. May I not rush
through this hopeful time and miss
You…here, with us.

May the HOPE I have for the coming
of Christ to make everything right
not be a HOPE that I conceal, but
may my hope illuminate the Advent
path for others to also find You.

And may my HOPE be holy and not
purely for my blessing or personal
gain. May this be another season that
I point to as I tell my story of You.
In the name of Jesus, in whom all
HOPE is answered, I pray. AMEN!

This prayer of hope was written by Chris Lee and first published in the Nov. 17th edition of The Church Bell
