Evidence of hope - by Moe Click

Be joyful in hope…..     Romans 12:12

A friend of mine (Bob) is a carrier for the postal service. He has given me permission to share his touching, inspirational story with you.

Last Christmas Eve as Bob prepared for his daily route, he happened to notice an undeliverable letter in the sorting area that had been mailed the day before.  In very shaky, almost illegible handwriting, the letter was addressed “To GOD.”  Bob opened the letter and read:

Dear GOD,
I am a 95 year old widow living on Social Security with no family.  Yesterday, someone stole my purse.  It had $100 in it which was all the money I had until the first of the month.  I was planning a special Christmas dinner with my remaining 2 best friends.  I have no one to turn to.  Can you please help me?

Recognizing the return address as one on his route, Bob opened his wallet which contained $95.  He placed the money in an official postal service envelope and immediately left to deliver the letter before beginning his regular route.  Bob related to me how great this made him feel as he celebrated Christmas with his own family.

Bob had told all of his co-workers the story and a few days later another letter appeared at the post office addressed, “To GOD.”  Bob opened the letter with everyone gathered around him in anxious anticipation and read:

Dear GOD,
Thank you for a true Christmas miracle.  I was able to provide a lovely dinner for my friends.  We had a great day and I can’t remember ever experiencing such joy.  By the way, there was $5 missing.  I think that skunk of a mailman, Bob, stole it.


My hope is that you just laughed when you least expected to laugh.  You see, I believe that laughter is one of our most precious gifts from God.  And in this season of hope, the absence of laughter can be the most heartbreaking of situations.  In the words of Christian comedian, Michael Jr.:
   “Laughter is the tangible evidence of Hope.”

I can only imagine Mary sitting around a table with a group of friends.  One of the ladies says to her, “I know you have told it a million times, but Judy has never heard it.  Tell us the story about when you had to tell your parents that you were pregnant.”  The laughter would have been uncontrollable.
