The lights of Christmas - Rev. Catherine Nance

I am writing this devotional early on Christmas Eve morning. I came over to the sanctuary while it is still dark to practice extinguishing lights for the Christmas Eve service. I wanted to see what the different light settings looked like in the dark. I also needed to practice striking matches in the dark for the Christ candle! Will I be able to memorize the words from John’s Gospel about light and not use any reading light?

I took a moment just to sit and be quiet and go over tonight’s services in my head. I was struck by the beauty of our sanctuary. I sat in the darkness with the only light coming from the cross. I had tried all of the buttons and could not find a way to extinguish the light that shines on the cross.
Oh. There was my moment of theological truth. 

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.  (John1:4)

I thought it would be a bit more theatrical to have the sanctuary completely dark. But there is no graceful way to turn off the chrismon tree (note to self:  get a dimmer switch for tree next year); the candles in the windows will still be glowing. And, the light on the cross will not go out. It would have been more dramatic, but to sit in darkness is not possible theologically for, “We have seen his star……”

I will pray prayers of thanksgiving for you on Christmas Day. I am hopeful that we all remember that Christmas – as far as the church calendar is concerned – begins on December 25 and lasts twelve days. Let us not be too hasty in turning off the Christmas lights. May the light of Christ shine in your hearts these twelve days and always.

Rev. Catherine Nance
