Hope that will not fail - Nathan Irwin

God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it? Numbers 23:19

Hope has been ever present in my life as of late. It was a scary thing to change from a secure job that I had held for over six years. When I began considering a move in my career, my wife and I spent a lot of time praying, hoping, worrying, being excited, being disappointed, preparing, and planning. My job search and transition took about seven months. I know many people who have been searching for a job for much longer than that. But the one thing that was the foundation for the whole process was hope; hope that God had a plan for me and my family, hope that we were doing the right thing, hope that we would fit in and find a church home that supported our spiritual walk. In my first few weeks here at 1st Maryville, I am finding those hopes fulfilled. I am finding a community committed to serving, learning, and reaching out to the community.

Though times of change can be difficult and scary, as Christians we always have the hope promised in Jeremiah 29:11. We have the hope that God has a plan for us. That plan often includes more than we could ever imagine for ourselves. When face times of worry and change, we can hold fast in the words of Numbers 23:19. We need to remember that God is not a man who can lie or can fail to come through on His promises. God supports us so that we can always hope for opportunities that are better, different, and push us to fulfill His mission.

Father in heaven,
Today we lift up to you those who are going through life changes. Some of those changes are good like a new job, and some of those changes are difficult like the loss of a loved one. Please help us to always live our lives with hope in your promises, and help us to share that hope with all who we meet. In your heavenly name we pray. Amen.

Nathan Irwin
Director of Youth Ministries
1st UMC Maryville
