I had so much fun during children's time at the 10:30 service as we circled around the tree (Yea! we can see behind the tree now!). The children pointed out stars and baby Jesus. And a crown for a princess (an older sister corrected that it was a king's crown).
"Fish! Fish! There's a fish!"
"Why do you think there is a fish on a chrismon tree (we had already talked about these being 'signs for Jesus)?
Several hands shot up. "I know! I know! The loaves and fishes!" Loaves and fishes? I asked. Children nodded in excitement. "That's what I was going to say! Loaves and fishes!"
What do I want these children to remember? That their minister corrected them and explained the Greek word icthus which means" fish" and each letter is the first Greek letter in Jesus Christ God's Son Savior? Absolutely not.
How wonderful that these children know the story about the loaves and fishes. I am thankful for Sunday School teachers who help them act it out. I am thankful that children see candy canes (shepherd's staff) and princess crowns (King) and that they are able to actually touch the chrismons this year. The tree is accessible.
Jesus Christ is accessible which means as we grow older the meaning of these symbols change and deepen in us.
Thanks be to God for the wonder of children; thanks be to God that we continue to grow.
Rev. Catherine Nance
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