John 11:1-45 gives
us the account of Jesus raising Lazarus from death. Within the context of this scripture appears
not only the shortest but the most impacting verse in scripture, as John says
“Jesus wept.” Jesus did not merely weep
because of the death of his dear friend but also for the anguish Martha and
Mary were enduring.
Jesus wept. The son of God, God incarnate, Emanuel, life and
resurrection wept. Herein lies the
impact. God was weeping. As Jesus says in John 14: 9, “Anyone who has
seen me has seen the father.” William
Barkley states this very clearly. He
writes that Jesus “showed us a God whose heart is wrung with anguish for the
anguish of His people. The greatest
thing Jesus did was bring us the news of a God who cares.”
It is in the very
gift of His son Jesus, that we see God’s complete care for mankind. Man’s sin
brought about not only a spiritual death but a separation from the God who
created him. In Jesus, God brought about
restoration and resurrection. Through
the sacrifice of Jesus, we are cleansed by his blood from our sinful nature and
brought into a right relationship with God.
Our spiritual nature is raised to its utmost potential as we grow to
trust in Jesus.
During this season
of Lent, let each of us make time in our daily experiences to give God praise
for our salvation through the life, death, and resurrection of His only son,
our brother, Jesus. If the full impact
of what Jesus did for each of us causes a tear to come into your eyes, just
remember, Jesus also wept.
Dear God, Please give
us the grace to love each other as you love us, as we are, where we are, and
where we hope to be.
Blessings and Peace,
George and Sandy Lybrand
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