Today's the Day!
By Chris Lee
“Today’s the day!” I said to Anna first thing that Thursday
morning in July of 2016. Because of a couple of minor issues toward the end of
Anna’s pregnancy, our doctor decided that she wanted to have an induction 2
weeks early. So, we got to the hospital just before midnight on Thursday night.
This was our second child, and this is not how it happened with
our first child who went full-term. It is an odd feeling knowing the day that
you are going to have a baby. I knew what worship services I had to plan ahead
for like a school teacher planning for a substitute teacher. I came into the
church earlier in the day to make sure that I had all the last minute things
finished to be on paternity leave for 2 weeks. Then we spent the evening with
our son, trying to make it special, knowing it would be our last evening as a
family of 3. But he also knew: today’s the day!
We planned for weeks. There were ways that we change what
used to be our son’s nursery, to make it feel like our daughter’s nursery. We
had some new items that were just for her. We hung art on the wall that had her
initials or could represent her. We made sure the room was clean before “the
day.” But on that Thursday evening in July, there was no more to be done and
nothing more to say besides, “Today’s the day!”
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