Two Measly Cents - Lenten devotional for March 19th

Please read the scripture from The Message, then meditate on it as if you were a disciple then meditate some more. 

   Click here to read today's scripture, Mark 12:35-44  in The Message.

We were in the temple one day and Jesus was teaching. Jesus kept being distracted by people dropping money in the offering box – big donations = lots of coins – 
which make lots of noise.

Then Jesus perked up – “Did you hear that? Did you hear what the widow gave? She gave more than all the others put together!”

All I heard was two little pings – two measly cents. I’m no good at math but I do know lots of big coins total up to way more than two measly cents.

But before any of us could ask – Jesus answered our question. He said “All these others gave out of their surplus – it didn’t “cost” them anything. The widow gave extravagantly what she could not afford – she gave her all.”

Do I give my all to God?
Do I give my all to Jesus?

How much am I willing to give?  Uh-Oh! Sounds suspiciously like
“Love God with all you’ve got!”
Am I willing to do that?
Am I willing to even come close?

*This devotional was written by Brenda Clark.
