Never without a Story - Lenten Devotional for March 13th

Please read the scripture from The Message, then meditate on it as if you were a disciple then meditate some more. 

   Click here to read today's scripture,  Mark 4:21-25  in The Message.

More Stories!

The farmer plants seed. It grows. The farmer harvests – but he doesn’t have any idea how it grows.

A pine nut sprouts and grows into a huge tree and birds nest in it.
(Or a mustard seed…)

Different stories for different crowds. But all stories they can relate to. That we disciples can relate to.

But there is a bigger, deeper meaning. I don’t know if someone said something to Jesus – or he just “knew” – he does that a lot – like he “knows” what people are thinking and feeling. Anyway, after the crowds leave Jesus explains the stories to us – the larger meaning.

*This devotional was written by Brenda Clark
