Reflections from the Jersey Shore

In the 7-28-14 edition of The Church Bell members of the New Jersey mission team talked about the experience and how it changed their lives.  However, due to a limited amount of space, not all their insights could be include.  We are providing the entire "interviews" here on the church blog site, beginning with Suzanne Stratton, the mission team leader. 

1. What inspired you to go on this trip?One of the church members brought this need to my attention.  She stated that we should be responding to the need in New Jersey.  She said she would go and thought others would to if we would organize the trip.  I started looking for agencies who were working on Superstorm Sandy Response and found A Future with Hope  on line.  They were the Methodist response to the devastation.  It seemed the perfect fit for our church.  I talked with Doug about his leading the trip since I had no construction knowledge.  He said he would co-lead if I could organize the details.  After organizing and advertising the trip, he told me he was unable to go.  By then we had 12 people ready to go so we went.  Sometimes God has a funny sense of humor.  We had to trust God to lead us and we just followed with open hearts and willing hands and feet.

 2. What stood out most about the first day on the work site?The thing that most impacted me the first day was the content of the rally.  Having the minister in charge of AFWH tell us about the level of devastation to the infrastructure not only physically and financially, but also emotionally was eye opening.  His explanation of how the outsides of buildings were cleaned up so the tourists would think the New Jersey shore was still in business while the businesses were gone and the buildings were ruined inside, as well as the level of injustice of people being robbed of their insurance money and never getting help were very sad.  Also the number of people who were afraid to ask for help due to fear of their family being split up due to unsatisfactory living conditions tugged at my heart.  I was astounded at the number of homes AFWH had rebuilt (60) compared to FEMA only redoing (2).  That made me proud to be associated with the Methodist organization.

3.For those of you who met Teresa, what about her inspired you or touched you?

Teresa, the homeowner gets a look
 at the work being done on her home.
I spent some time talking with the homeowner, Teresa.  She had been living for two years without electricity, heat, or sewer.  Teresa had all of her insurance money stolen from her and was very leery of people helping her.  At 86 years old, she had worked until Superstorm Sandy had closed the hotel where she had worked.  She was amazed that we were really helping her.  Teresa told me she was afraid to hope that she would really ever live in her house again.  She spent a long time talking to us.  Her smile was radiant by the time she left.  Her case worker stated that she had never seen her so happy.  Her smile was worth every bit of sweat we endured.

4.  What were your biggest challenges at the work site and what did you do to overcome them?

Our biggest challenge at the work site was sheet rock.  The redundancy of mudding and sanding for days as well as the frustration of hanging sheet rock in the bathroom(esp. the ceiling) were definitely our biggest challenges.  We overcame these with perseverance.  "We're Halfway There" became our theme song.  We worked hard and encouraged each other-always remembering Teresa.  Much prayer was given at night to God. 

5.  How did this experience influence your faith journey?

None of us are the same after going on this trip.  We learned much about ourselves and each other.  Personally, I have grown in understanding, compassion, faith and love by going on this trip.  I have had a chance to witness to Teresa and her neighbors whose constant question "Why would you come all of this way and give up your time to help people here?".  Most were even more amazed when we told them we paid to come and work.  It was a great opportunity to tell of our faith.

6. What was your favorite part of the trip?

My favorite part of the trip was the laughter at the parsonage at night after we finished our dinner and worship time.  We would laugh and share with each other.  God had given us pure joy in Him and each other.
