Giving, not Getting - Lenten Devotional for March 12th

Please read the scripture from The Message, then meditate on it as if you were a disciple then meditate some more. 

     Click here to read today's scripture,  Mark 4:21-25  in The Message.

Another story. Another obvious point.

Then Jesus says, “Are you listening to this? Really listening?”

What am I missing from Jesus’ teaching?

I am listening. We disciples are all listening. Really listening. But we all feel like we are missing something….. And we’re afraid to ask Jesus to explain every little thing….

Sometimes – when Jesus goes off alone to pray – the twelve of us discuss the teachings. But it’s pretty much “the blind leading the blind”. These teachings are so unique – none of us get them.

At least now I don’t feel so bad. I’m not the only one who doesn’t get Jesus.

*This devotional was written by Brenda Clark
