Where am I?
The last
thing I remember was hanging myself. And I know it was real! This has NOT all
been a bad dream – where I wake up in Gethsemane and it’s still Passover!!!
It’s clean here…
It’s light
peaceful here…
But it’s not
hell either!
Jesus – I
see Jesus – He’s walking toward me.
He’s not
bloody. He looks healthy. But I watched him die on the cross….
It is Jesus.
It’s not a ghost.
I fall to my
knees at his feet.
I can’t look
Not after
what I’ve done…
But Jesus
waits patiently until I do look up…
And all I
see is love in his eyes!!!
Just like I
did so many times on earth!!!
I looked
around – just to make sure I was alone with Jesus…
To make sure
that look was for me…
reached out…
I saw the
nail holes in his hands…
The ones I
put there…
Just as if I
had been the one who wielded the hammer that drove those nails…
I put my
hand in Jesus’…
And he
helped me to my feet…
Jesus said
“Your sins are forgiven.”
*This devotional was written by Brenda Clark.
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