A couple of weeks ago, Brenda Clark, a member of 1st United Methodist Church-Maryville, emailed Rev. Catherine Nance about a devotional series she had written. Brenda wanted to offer it to everyone at 1st UMC as the church had offered daily devotionals in the past.
The devotional series is called "3 Years with Jesus." Brenda said it is based on the book of Mark as found in The Message.
Starting on March 2nd, we invite you to read these devotionals and share them with others. Brenda asks that you read the passage from Mark from The Message, then meditate on it as if you were a disciple, then meditate some more. We hope this activity will have a profound effect on you as we continue through the Lenten season.
To receive the devotions by email (starting March 2nd) just click here and you'll be added to the email list. The devotions will also be posted each day here at 1stmaryvilleblogspot.com and on the church's Facebook and twitter pages.
Enjoy them and let us know what you think. And thanks to Brenda for sharing them with us.
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