Daily Devotional for Advent - December 21st

Learning to think "we" instead of "they" - Donn King

You are all God's children through faith in Christ Jesus. All of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek; there is neither slave nor free; nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 
                                                                        (Galatians 3:26-28 CEB)

Today I was walking through the lobby of East Tennessee Children's Hospital when I overheard a couple of volunteers talking. I have no idea what the subject of conversation was, but one said, "Well, I hope they can accomplish something." The other said, "We are working hard at it!"

I couldn't help but notice the little difference in pronouns. Only one of them felt a part of whatever they discussed.

Humans tend to divide the world into "us" and "them." I have recently been welcomed into the family at First UMC, and I'm learning to think "we" instead of "they." It feels good to be part of the family. Sometimes the difference is benign, and sometimes the difference makes war possible. But in any case, the difference matters.

Who do I include in my "we"? Who do I exclude by my "they"? The Jews of the first century sought a Messiah who would restore the kingdom, which also meant restoring the relationship between Israel and God. But Jesus came to break down "us" and "them." Advent means that Christ comes to restore to the family of God all who will receive the gift! How wonderful that we can look at brothers and sisters in Christ and say "we"!

Dear God, Thank you for the gift of your Son, who opens the door and invites us into Your family. May we likewise seek to include others in our "we" through our own open hearts, open minds, and open doors! Amen.

Donn King
