Daily Devotional for Advent - December 19th

Music in the Church

Looking back upon my childhood, some of my most vivid memories surrounding the church have to do with music.  I’ve always loved music and that love is just as strong today because of the church’s early musical influence upon me as a youngster growing up in the Moravian Church in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. 

Music is one of the most powerful means of expression on earth. It affects the body physically, mentally, and emotionally. It’s difficult to feel bad when one is singing. A wide variety of music that is in harmony with the ministry of God’s word is an important and significant part of the responsibility of the church. Good music will lift the spirits. It has the power to excite us, to cheer us when we are depressed, and to console us always. Its beauty can take our breath away. There is no greater sound on earth than that of hymns being sung by a church choir on a Sunday morning. The doors open and the voices of the choir singing one of those old traditional hymns literally pull us in to be a part of the worship to God in song and praise.

What a powerful force music can be. It is said that the music of Mozart was known to help those with mental illness. Cowboys in the old west would sing to the cattle to quiet them on the prairies at night. Children react to music while still in the womb. Many studies have been done to show how music impacts positively all aspects of our lives. God has given us this marvelous gift. It is only fitting that we use that gift to sing His praises at any and all opportunities.

Music has always been a vital part of the church. From the beginning of the Bible to the end, there are numerous mentions of music and song. As early as Genesis 4, Jubal was mentioned as “the father of all who play the harp and flute.” King David played the harp and wrote many of the Psalms. Moses, Deborah, Paul, Silas, and many others are cited in the Bible as raising their voices in song as a tribute to God. Ephesians 5:19 tells us to “Speak to one another with Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord.”

I enjoy so much the music program at First United Methodist Church of Maryville. Both of my sons play musical instruments, and Liam, my eldest, sang in the children’s choir. Our love for music is one of the strongest elements that drew us to First United Methodist. My family and I look forward to the many programs at Christmas that include the children and the adult choirs. We anticipate and eagerly await all the “joyful noise” that this Christmas will bring.

Amelia Geis-Scott
