Daily Devotion for Advent - December 15th, Roger & Amelia Scott

Hymns of Childhood

Those hymns we sang on Sunday morn
I remember them, oh, so well;
The voices of the choir rang out
In notes as clear as any bell.

“Rock of Ages” and “Amazing Grace”,
Those words still echo from the page;
How sweet their sound, how soft their tune,
Their truth still rings in any age.

I’d sing along, my childish voice
Too soft to lift those lovely words;
But Mom would smile as if instead
An angel’s voice is what she heard.

My heart would soar, if not my voice,
Father held tight onto my hand;
I’m grateful now for how he showed
The many sides that make a man.

The love of Christ we sang about,
The hymns of praise we offered forth,
The church our home we gathered in,
I can now see how much they’re worth.

I’ll sing His praise in louder tones
Than that small voice in childhood’s spring;
God bless the hymns and bless foremost
The church that taught my heart to sing.

Roger and Amelia Scott
