I have to confess something... I do not care for Christmas music. I may have lost you if you are a hardcore Christmas music lover. I mean there are a few ones that I enjoy, but overall as a genre, It is not one that I look forward to hearing. Maybe it comes from years of working retail and hearing loops of the same fifteen songs day in and day out. Maybe it comes from the feeling that so many musicians are just trying to make a quick buck by putting out a "Christmas album" full of songs that they didn't have to write. Maybe there are others of you out there like me who would rather not hear Paul McCartney croon about simply having a wonderful Christmas time.
You know what? For many of us, this time of year is not an easy one to face. We cannot "simply have a wonderful time". Many are suffering loss, health issues, financial hardships and a host of other things that make Christmastime a sad time or a stressful time. But did you know that it is OK with God for us to not be in the Christmas spirit?
We have so many expectations and cultural norms for what Christmas is supposed to be. We are supposed to be happy right? We are supposed to party and buy presents. If this Christmastime is a tough one for you, then know that it is OK to change the radio station when a Christmas song comes on. It is OK to not be in the "Christmas mood." It is even ok to be sad during Christmas because God loves us no matter how much Christmas spirit we have.
Advent is a time to prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ. That might mean hot chocolate, hanging stockings, holiday parties, and presents; but it is ok if it does not. It can be a more contemplative time, a time to consider what it means that God was willing to rescue us from ourselves, that God is still willing to rescue you today.
Nathan Irwin
Director of Youth Ministries at 1st United Methodist Church
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