Yearning to welcome - Louise Berry

“I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope; my soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning, more than watchmen for the morning.” 
Psalm 130: 5-6

The winter of 2014 was a long one, especially for those of us who yearn for the warmth and rainbow colors of spring. Despite the beauty that winter can bring—the peaceful snowfall, the bare trees outlined against a glorious sunset—I find that spotting the first signs of the new spring season is always a time of celebration: no more grim and sunless days. I watch and wait for the daffodils to push through in the sunny parts of our yard and for the bluebirds to start new families in our birdhouses. In February on one of those deceptive spring-like days, my husband and I even went ahead and put out a feeder for hummingbirds in hopes there might be an early arrival from the south. We wanted to be sure to have a welcome ready for any weary, hungry traveler.

During this season of Lent, our souls yearn too to welcome the presence of Jesus. We know that the horror of the crowd’s torment, the brutal crucifixion, and the anguish felt by Jesus’ followers have to be lived through as part of the narrative of our own precious, unearned salvation. Yet we also look ahead to the glory of the resurrection, the time of Jesus’ triumph over the loss of hope and the grip of sin. We watch and wait during Lent for messages of hope that the morning is coming. Jesus promises that “those who love me will keep my word, and my Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them” (John 14: 23). As the earth awakens from its winter sleep, so too we need to be watchful for ways to awaken our spiritual lives and see these days of Lent as preparation for a richer, more vibrant life with Jesus.

Dear Lord, be with me as I prepare for this season of renewal. In the midst of the everyday clamor of my life, I turn to you as I ready my soul for you to make your home within me. Thank you for the amazing gift of salvation offered to all who open their hearts to you. Amen

Louise Berry
