Faith outshining tears - Gene & Frances Lovell

Lent is a time of reflection on the meaning of our faith and preparation for the joy of Easter. Contrary to some popular belief, our Christian faith does not spare us from the bad in life but instead assures us of God's presence and strength throughout both good and bad in life. The following story told by a missionary friend of ours is an example of an African woman who truly "got it."

"She was the mother of twins, one of the sweet-faced Christian women of a nearby village. Both of the babies had been sickly from birth.  As she sat in church during the communion service, holding the weaker of the twins in her arms,  the woman seated beside her kept looking intently at the motionless babe. Suddenly she whispered, 'Your baby is dead!'

When the meaning of the stir throughout the church reached the baby's father, sitting on the opposite side of the sanctuary, according to local custom, he stood up at once, broke into the loud, traditional cry of mourning and dashed from the service out into the open air.

But the young mother quietly insisted that the pastor go on with the communion meditation. Still holding her dead baby, she remained steadfastly in her place and reached out a steady hand to take each of the sacred elements of communion when they were passed to her.

With the pronouncing of the benediction she arose and left the church, bearing her little, lifeless burden, her face serene, her faith outshining her tears."1

Prayer: Almighty God, help us to trust that whatever befalls us can be transformed into your will and purpose. Amen

                                                                                                Gene and Frances Lovell

1. Winifred Kellersberger Vass, Thirty-one Banana Leaves (Franklin, TN: Providence House Publishers 1994) 31.
