Though we are tantalized
already by days of sunshine and warm breezes, we know that winter has not given
up its grip entirely. Frost will
come. Gray skies as well. But the crocus opens regardless, giving us
joy and hope during the waning days of a hard season.
Today’s Psalm is a familiar
one and a profoundly human one. “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills…” The Common English Bible says, “I raise my eyes toward the mountains…” Both translations speak of our need to
rise above our struggles and seek solace in beauty and grandeur.
Here in East Tennessee, we
see the majesty of the Creator at every turn.
The Smoky Mountains are a comforting and familiar backdrop. Even during the early days of Lent when buds
are yet to burst open and bare branches seem dead and drear, we know what we
have seen. The mountains will flower
recklessly in rebirth. All we have to do
is wait.
Seeing is believing. We’ve heard the familiar phrase
many times. But during Lent we are
called to believe without seeing. On the dark road to the cross, we walk
blindly. The comforting cycle of God’s
regenerative power to turn the world from winter to spring gives us the
confidence to know that Resurrection lies ahead.
One of the lasting gifts I
received from my grandmother was a love of baking. I enjoy the smells of cinnamon and yeast and
the anticipation of sharing around the table.
Though she has been gone for two decades, I remind myself of her love
with a glance at the penmanship on a old recipe card, or by imagining her
unseen touch on a familiar bowl or piece of glassware.
As we journey through Lent
and seek to draw closer to God in Jesus, we have only to open our doors to find
proof that we are loved. The world is
poised—shivering, giddy with anticipation—to burst forth in praise of the One
who suffered and died and rose again.
Lift up your eyes. Your help comes from the Lord.
Amen and Amen…
Janice Maynard
This is part of a daily devotional series running through the Lenten Season (March 5-April 20th). Please feel free to comment below and share this devotional with your friends and family.
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