Quenching your thirst - Ron & Carol Werker

Exodus 17:1-7
Psalm 95
Romans 5:1-11 
John 4:5-42. 

We have chosen the familiar story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well from John 4, where Jesus tells her about the "Living Water" she can enjoy.  Have you ever noticed how many times the Bible uses water as an analogy?  Actually 436 verses contain the word "water", and it's central in this story.  In the Old Testament, we're to thirst after God as we thirst for water.  God is called the fountain of Life.  As our bodies hunger and thirst, so do our souls.  But our souls need spiritual food and water which is found through reading the Bible and our faith in Jesus Christ.

Several years ago we worked outside in the hot sun.  In fact we were there from sun up till sun down many days, and we would take water with us to drink throughout the day.  But sometimes we would get so busy "doing the busy work" that we wouldn't take time to stop and refresh ourselves with the cool drink of the water we had before us!  It's so easy to get caught up in our busy everyday comings and goings that it's easy to forget about the spiritual water that refreshes our soul.  We need to stop and take time to turn to the One who provides our every need, who fills us with Living Water for each day of our life, forever!

Prayer:  Our most loving God, we thank you for providing the living water we can find in no other place but through you.  We humbly ask that our marriage be continually refreshed so our life will be an example of your love to all those with whom we come into contact.  In Jesus name, Amen.  

Ron & Carol Werker
