In John's Gospel,10th chapter Jesus proclaims that his purpose in coming to dwell among us was that all people might have an abundant life. Abundant life happens when we trust Jesus. Psalm147:3 " He heals the broken hearted and binds their wounds". Psalm 147:6 "The Lord lifts up the downtrodden". Psalm 130 speaks about hope. John 5 talks about Jesus being concerned with bringing healing, life and forgiveness.
Each day during Lent we are given reminders of Easter and what is coming. We are reminded that whatever is coming in the days ahead, the ultimate authority rests in Jesus. We continue to look at things that come between us and God.
Happiness and hope are what many people who attend Recovery at Maryville do not have. Many find themselves buried under the weight of their own dark thoughts , so fearful of those thoughts that they cannot face them, and addictive issues, behaviors ,and emotional distress continue. Whether we like it or not, we are all addicted to something or someone that can cause our life to be difficult and unhappy. It is in this recognition that we find we are all alike in some ways.
We must break the silence and move toward OPEN CONVERSATION and CONFESSION that results in healing. We must make sure that individuals hurting know that they are not alone! The common thread of pain can bind us all together toward a solution. We are challenged as The United Methodist Church, as a people of Hope, to place ourselves in situations , like Recovery at Maryville, where there is hopelessness , to help people discover the Hope and Happiness that we have come to know is in Jesus Christ! Part of the Serenity Prayer that is prayed each week at Recovery says this: "trusting that you will make all things right if I surrender to your will; so that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with you forever in the next". Step 2 of the The 12 Steps that we read at every Recovery at Maryville worship service says; "Come to believe that a Power greater than ourselves can restore us to sanity".
As we continue our journey toward Easter, let us ask the Lord to give us vision for caring and ministering to those suffering, and who have little or no HOPE. Let us continue the conversation of Hope given to us by the resurrected Christ!
When have you brought HOPE to someone recently??
Each day during Lent we are given reminders of Easter and what is coming. We are reminded that whatever is coming in the days ahead, the ultimate authority rests in Jesus. We continue to look at things that come between us and God.
Happiness and hope are what many people who attend Recovery at Maryville do not have. Many find themselves buried under the weight of their own dark thoughts , so fearful of those thoughts that they cannot face them, and addictive issues, behaviors ,and emotional distress continue. Whether we like it or not, we are all addicted to something or someone that can cause our life to be difficult and unhappy. It is in this recognition that we find we are all alike in some ways.
We must break the silence and move toward OPEN CONVERSATION and CONFESSION that results in healing. We must make sure that individuals hurting know that they are not alone! The common thread of pain can bind us all together toward a solution. We are challenged as The United Methodist Church, as a people of Hope, to place ourselves in situations , like Recovery at Maryville, where there is hopelessness , to help people discover the Hope and Happiness that we have come to know is in Jesus Christ! Part of the Serenity Prayer that is prayed each week at Recovery says this: "trusting that you will make all things right if I surrender to your will; so that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with you forever in the next". Step 2 of the The 12 Steps that we read at every Recovery at Maryville worship service says; "Come to believe that a Power greater than ourselves can restore us to sanity".
As we continue our journey toward Easter, let us ask the Lord to give us vision for caring and ministering to those suffering, and who have little or no HOPE. Let us continue the conversation of Hope given to us by the resurrected Christ!
When have you brought HOPE to someone recently??
Glenn Doig
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