Finding peace - Alex Cherry

"God is our refuge and strength, a help always near in times of great trouble. That's why we won't be afraid when the world falls apart, when the mountains crumble into the center of the sea." 
Psalm 46:1-2 (CEB)

            Every single day we face hardships. These hardships are normally small - in my case, a bad grade on a math quiz or a short-lived argument with a friend. But sometimes these hardships are seemingly insurmountable troubles that torment us until we feel as if we can't go on.

            For me, one of these hard times was when my grandmother passed away last Fall. I knew this would happen, but I was completely unprepared. I thought that the worst possible thing that could happen would be for me to lose her.

            When she died, I grew angry towards God, wondering what right he had to take her away from me. I asked why, but I never asked for help. I never prayed for peace. I only refused to accept what was happening and tried to act as if there was nothing anyone could do to make it better.
            But when the day of the funeral came, my anger was replaced with grief and sadness, and I turned to God. I sat down and I prayed, giving all my sorrow to God. I let go of my fears and my anger, saying, "God, take my grief. I don't want it anymore." And by God's grace, I found peace.
            I didn't find peace through anger or worry or stress, but instead I found peace through prayer and meditation. I took the time just to a take a breath and open my arms to God, and he took my troubles from me. This is how I know that God will take care of me, no matter the circumstances. Though it may feel as if the world is collapsing, I know that in the end God will catch me before I fall.
            My favorite band is The City Harmonic, and one of my favorite songs by them is "Strong."  Some of the lyrics read, "If I can't see the light through the pain, then tell me how a thorn could ever be grace. Suddenly you let me see in Your crown of thorns that though there might be pain, you'll roll the stone away, my God."

            We all face hardships, and Jesus faced the hardest of them all. But in the end, he was willing to give his troubles up to God, and when Jesus had done God's will, God rolled the stone away. God will always roll our stones away. All we have to do is give our worries to God and let him do the rest.

Alex Cherry

This is part of a daily devotional series running through the Lenten Season (March 5-April 20th).                   Please feel free to comment below and share this devotional with your friends and family. 

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