“The children were nestled all snug in their beds while visions of sugarplums danced in their heads…..”
I sometimes get sentimental about Christmas memories when my children were young: the excitement of Santa, hiding presents, wanting to stay up late, getting up waaaay too early on Christmas morning. Good memories.
Now that my sons are twenty-somethings, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are different. There are still a few surprises in stockings and we laugh about times back when ….. But it is nice to enjoy Christmas WITH my children instead of enjoying watching my children enjoy Christmas. Relaxed dinners, help in the kitchen, grown-up conversation, and knowing that it is okay for parents to go to bed before children do, are gifts your children will give you when they are adults. It is wonderful to have your child prepare omelets for Christmas brunch instead of asking him to please not eat any more candy before breakfast.
After Christmas Eve services, there is now a relaxed atmosphere where in the past, Mr. and Mrs. Claus came home from church exhausted and had to get children to bed and toys put together. The past few years it has been so nice to sit in a darkened living room with only the glow of Christmas tree lights or candles and enjoying a late night supper. No hurrying. No fretting about bedtime or 4 a.m. revelry!
Advent with younger children seems to be about counting down; with older children there is a true sense of waiting; of enjoying this moment. They understand schedules and work hours and budgets; they know exactly how far it is to Grandma’s house and can even drive the whole way! It is a blessing to see my sons enjoy the season – not worrying about being on the good list or bad list, but enjoying who they have grown up to be.
I hope my words are a gift to young parents who are already fretting that their children are growing up so fast. They do grow up. And it is wonderful.
Rev. Catherine Nance
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